Friday, January 16, 2009

Christmas Card Rejects

The picture that we ended up using for our Christmas card was the one picture of our whole family that came out alright from the ENTIRE YEAR. It was taken at Mike's graduation, so I figured it was alright for a Christmas picture. I did have visions of something a little... Christmasier, but Jack was not really into cooperating for our little photo shoot. We did end up getting some very cute (non-card-worthy) shots, though, so I wanted to share those with you today.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Big Shoes (and socks) to Fill

I know, I know... and trust me, we have PLENTY to share. There was Christmas, and New Years/DC, we've been sledding, Jack has some new tricks, and there are a few of you still waiting on Cloth Diapers Part 2. All in good time, my friends. The computer is no longer in the living room, so it is taking me a little longer to get things posted these days. But here are a few pictures we thought were cute in honor of what has to be THE MOST disturbing Sesame Street I've ever had to watch - the one where Neil Patrick Harris plays the Shoe Fairy. Or maybe it was "The Fairy Shoe Person." Either way, you have Barney Stinson (or a grown up Doogie Howser, MD for the uninitiated of you) playing, yes, a Shoe Fairy. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons why he agreed to do it, although I think it might give in to the stereotype just a little too much, but I still find it disturbing. He puts shoes on monsters' (and people's) feet, and then the possessed shoes force them to do things like mop, run, and pirouette (the word of the day!) Am I the only one who finds this rather upsetting?

Oh, and that picture was taken just a few days ago. A few of you may recognize it as being a Halloween shirt, and I do realize that Halloween was months ago, but the shirt still fits. So we still wear it. :) My guess is that Carter's 18 months will fit him for a long time to come.