Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just call me Harold...

Mommy finally fixed her computer, so now I can show you a cute picture. That's me in the bath. I love love love taking baths. They are so much fun! I have so many great toys in the bathtub that Mommy won't let me play with in the living room. She even lets me color on the walls! The walls are so much better than those little pieces of paper she gives me. I like my tub crayons better, too. They are shaped like animals and they write so nice. The purple one is my favorite! Look at the pretty drawing I made with it. Mommy was calling me Harold, although I don't really know why. She was also calling me "Auntie La Baby," but she usually just does that when I'm being what she calls "dramatic." This time, though, I think it was because I was using purple. My Auntie La just LOVES the color purple. It's a nice color. It definitely shows up better than yellow.