Friday, April 24, 2009

Stop and Smell the Dandelions

I have been sick with a fever and cough all week, but Mommy finally let me outside to play today. It was such a beautiful day! It was so warm and not brrrr at all. There were these really nice yellow flowers all around, and Mommy said I could pick as many as I wanted. I couldn't decide if they smelled very good or not, so I had to keep smelling. All I got for it, though, was a bright yellow nose. I thought maybe tasting them would help, but Mommy kept making me spit them out. They didn't taste very good anyway. It was so much fun to be outside, though. I hope it stays like this.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter Part 2

When I got over to Madelyn's house, it was just like the day started all over. The Easter Bunny had laid eggs all over their house, too. Madelyn and I had to find them, but just as I got used to the idea that I wasn't supposed to throw the eggs, all of a sudden it was okay again. I give up! Anyway, we had lots of fun over there. I got some really cool puzzles, and Madelyn got a baby Abby Cadabby doll. She was lots of fun to play with. You could put a bottle in her mouth just like a real baby! The best part was when we threw the grass stuff around. Madelyn and I put it on eachother, Grandma, Mommy, Aunt Kelley, and even the dog! It was so fun. We made a huge mess. Great-Grandma Barg came to visit, and after I went back to Nona's to have a nap, we all had dinner. It was such a fun day. I hope the Easter Bunny comes again soon.

Easter Part 1

I had a really fun Sunday last week. Everyone kept calling it "Easter." Have you heard of it? Apparently, a giant bunny (He's actually pretty scary; I saw him at the mall) lays eggs all over your house, and you have to go find them all. I am a little confused because Mommy says that only birdies lay eggs, not bunnies, but I guess maybe because it is a really big bunny it can lay eggs. I don't know. Anyway, Madelyn had eggs all in a basket at her house and it was lots of fun to throw them across the room. People would clap and say things like "good throw!" But when I tried to throw these eggs, no one clapped. I had to put them all in a bag and couldn't play with them or anything. It was very confusing, but I had a lot of fun finding them all anyway. That bunny was in some pretty strange places to be laying eggs, though!

Afterward, Mommy showed me that the bunny had left me presents, too! Probably to say sorry for laying eggs all over the house. I think maybe he should wear a diaper. Mommy says I have to wear a diaper because I'd poop all over the house if I didn't. I bet its the same thing. But anyway, he brought me lots of cool things. I got stuffed bunnies, and a Thomas the Tank Engine video, and a Blue video, and Elmo Live, and this awesome orange sippy cup with my name on it. That was my favorite part! Elmo was pretty cool when he was in the box. I love Elmo just as much as the next kid, but he was pretty scary when they let him out. He started talking and moving and telling silly jokes and stories. I'm used to Elmo in the box, not out of it. Mommy and Nona and everybody thought he was great, but I'm still not so sure. The worst part was that he had to come home with is! And for some reason, he is just hanging out in front of the snacks closet right now. I think he must sleep there because he's there when I get up, and he's still there when I go to bed. I sure wish he would move so I could go over there and try to sneak snacks. Until he does, though, I'm too afraid to go over there.

After that, Mommy put me in this rediculous outfit and brought me over to see Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Kelley and Madelyn. I'll tell you more about that in another post, though. There are already too many videos in this one.

Dress Up with Madelyn

I have lots of pictures from Easter that I want to show you, but right now I just have time for these. Me and my cousin Madelyn played dress up at her house last week. It was lots of fun. I got to be Snow White! Daddy didn't think I should wear the skirt, but I don't see why not. Madelyn was and it looked like fun. I like dress up!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Willy Was A Whale

I have lots and lots to tell you about my week at my Nona's house, but I just wanted to share this with you for tonight. This is my very most favorite YouTube video. They play it on Noggin sometimes, and I love to dance around to it when it is on TV. But when it is not on TV, I can watch it any time I want to on Mommy's computer. I love to listen to this song over and over and over again. It is called Willy Was A Whale by Justin Roberts. I hope you love it as much as I do.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Baby's First Kiss

Looks like Jack has a new girlfriend. Little Ava is a slightly older woman (20 months) and quite a cutie, even though you can't see her very well here. He is going to have to up his game, though. She has been spied holding hands with both Max and Greydan on separate occasions.