Saturday, May 23, 2009

Big Boy Chair

So I was sitting in my high chair yesterday, eating my breakfast, when Mommy told me I was such a big boy for eating my yogurt with a spoon without making a huge mess. I thought about this for a minute and realized that if I really was such a big boy, I wouldn't be sitting in this little baby high chair. Don't get me wrong. My high chair is pretty nice. But big boys sit in big boy chairs, and if I am a big boy, I should sit at the table like a big boy. So since then, that is what I've been insisting on doing. I think it is going pretty well. I still have to be strapped in to my other chair, but it helps me reach the table better so that is ok. And now I get to eat on an Elmo mat, so it is even cooler. I like being a big boy!

Friday, May 22, 2009

DC Again

We have been away a lot lately. We just got back from Washington, DC. I think it must be Mommy and Daddy's favorite place to visit since I have already been there 4 times now and I'm not even 2. I like it there, though. We got to see my friend, Drew and his Mommy and Daddy. And this time, I got to see lots of cool animals at this place called the Zoo. Mommy says I've been to other zoos before, but I don't really remember them. I got to see real live lions and alligators and elephants. There was even a giant black and white bear. It was so much fun to talk like the animals. I even learned a few new ones, like the monkey and tiger. I also went to Auntie La's school. She didn't get to sit with us. She was down below sitting with a whole bunch of other people wearing funny hats and dresses, and it was boring because I wasn't allowed to talk. It was also really scary when there was lots of loud noises and clapping, so Daddy and I went for a walk instead. That was better. At the end of the trip I was pretty sick and didn't feel good at all, but I had lots of fun before that. Here are some pictures from my trip.