Sadly, this is the only picture my mommy remembered to take all 4th of July weekend. We went to Lorton Lake with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Kelley, Maddie, Great Grandma, G.G., and Uncle David. Uncle Greg and Steph were there for a little while, too. 4th of July is Grandma's birthday, so everyone throws a big party for her and sets off lots of fireworks. At least, that's what she told me. It was lots of fun. We got to go to the beach and play with a dump truck, and then I got to pick out a ball and turtle choo choo to take home. It was really cold and windy, though, so we didn't stay too long. After my nap, Uncle Greg and Stephanie were there and we had dinner. Then, we got to see lots and lots of fireworks. There were so many colors and they were so noisy. They said, "Boom! Pshhh! Roar!" I really liked them. And then we got to eat cake that tasted like pudding. It was the best day!
The next day was a much nicer day, and Maddie and I played outside in our little house. Aunt Kelley even let us eat our lunch out there. That is what this picture is of. We had red applesauce, and it was tasty. I finally got to go out on the boat, but then it was time to go home. I was sad, but Mommy says we'll try to go back after everything has slowed down. I'm not really sure what that means, but I hope it means we can go back.