Saturday, February 20, 2010


Mommy and Daddy let me play a fun new game with them tonight. We played Wii Bowling on the TV. It was too fun! You get to hold the buttons, and then throw the ball, and then you knock down pins on the TV. One time, I even knocked them ALL down all at the same time. Daddy said it was a STRIKE! I do better when Mommy and Daddy help me, but I was sort of getting the hang of it. Kinda. I'll need a lot more practice. Mommy says she's sure Uncle Lukey will come over and play with me, especially since its his Wii. Uncle Lukey, come play with me!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Butterfly Conservatory

Today, Daddy didn't have to work and so we all went to Canada to the Butterfly Conservatory. It was lots of fun. I got to see so many butterflies! I like them when they are not anywhere near me. There were so many that sometimes they flew too close, and I didn't like that. You also had to be very careful where you walked or you would step on them. I thought they were very pretty, though. I saw some that were red, yellow, orange, green, blue, and black. I think I liked the blue ones the best. Those were Mommy's favorite, too. Mommy and I have been reading a lot about caterpillars turning into butterflies lately, so it was fun to go. They even had a whole bunch of chrysalises there for me to look at. Daddy says that we can go back again, maybe in the summer time. Then, I can show all the butterflies to baby brother!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Little Baby No Name (still)

For those of you who are interested, Baby Brother's ultrasound on Monday went fine. His right kidney is slightly "dilatated," and he will need an ultrasound at birth, but she didn't seem too concerned. Maybe he just needed to pee. :) That's alright. The rest of him is "dilatated," too. He already weighs over 3 lbs and we are only to 28 weeks. I guess I shouldn't work too hard at trying to get those breastmilk spit up stains out of Jack's old tiny Newborn-sized clothes. :) (By the way, why did no one mention to me that those magically reappear over time? I would have tried harder the first time. Or at least not given myself a heart attack when I opened the box.)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Gigantic Picture Update

Ok Aunt La. We know, we know. We keep promising to update the blog, and then we never do. So, here are some recent pictures. We'll try to get back on top of this. Life has been a little crazy lately.
Picture 1: Jackson sleeping in his new big boy bed. The room has come along a little further since then. When its all done, I'll post those pictures for you. It looks really cute. Nona painted leaves on the walls and clouds on the ceiling. They are very cute.

Picture 2: The most pointless ER visit EVER. Did you hear about this one? The child got up from his new big boy bed at 2 am, fell, and split his lip. His father wanted to rush him to the ER right then and there, but it stopped bleeding and while it was pretty deep, it wasn't a big gash. I was able to hold him off until morning. In the morning, it was pretty much healed - until Jack bit it back open. So I called the Dr expecting him to tell me either to watch it or bring him in so he could look at it, but no. They sent me to the ER. By the time someone came to actually do anything about it 2 hours later, it was healed up again. We did get Boo Boo Bear out of the ordeal, though.

Picture 3: The child just loves hats and sunglasses.

Picture 4: He helped Mommy make peanut butter cookies. He's a very helpful boy in the kitchen. "Like Uncle Joe Joe."

Picture 5: I'm not the only one indulging his sweet tooth. It seems that every time I leave Daddy in charge, they go to Dunkin Donuts for a
Boston Cream.

Pictures 6 & 7: Just one example of Jackson and Daddy's ginormous forts. This was actually taken at an early stage. It gradually grew throughout the day, but I didn't get pictures of it. Eventually, a tent and a big box got added on, as well as the rest of the chairs.

Pictures 8 & 9: 27 weeks. Jackson just loves his baby brother, though.

Picture 10: Helping Daddy build the new shelves.

Picture 11: He got himself all ready to go to school with Daddy.
Picture 12: On Saturday, the florist delivered a beautiful arrangement of roses for Valentine's Day. When we got them all unwrapped and on the table, Jackson went running to his room for his "Apple Book." Not having a clue what he was talking about, I followed him and found him pulling every book off the shelf. In an effort to save myself some work, I started pulling down likely suspects - books about apples or with pictures of apples. But none of them were right. Finally, he finds Magritte's Imagination and runs back to the dining room. He flips through all the pages until he finds the page with The Tomb of the Fighters, which features a rose that fills up the room. Then he climbs up to the table, points to the roses, and says "Roses." What a smart little boy. I had forgotten that he calls it the Apple Book for the page featuring The Son of Man.
Well, that's about it for pictures to this point. I promise to do a better job in the future. :)