Today when I woke up, it was Saturday. Saturday means that there is no school, and that made me really sad. I've been having sooo much fun at school! But then Mommy and Daddy took me to do something even better! First, we went to Lewiston and we sat in chairs on the road and watched a 'rade! I LOVE 'rades! They throw candy! I got so so so much candy! It was just like Halloleen. And my friends Greydan and Little John were there, too. We all got lots of candy!
After that, we got in the car and drove way far out in the country. When we got there, we saw airplanes doing tricky things! This guy was flying straight up, up, up and then the plane would stop, and fall down, down, down. And then, at the last minute, he would start the plane back up and swoop up and do it all over again! It was so scary! And then we saw great big planes that you could walk in. One was so big, Daddy thought they probably drove trucks into it! They had little planes, too.
And there were lots of planes flying around doing tricky tricks. And they were soooo loud. I had to cover my ears. They did cool tricks, though. There were 6 of them, and Mommy kept calling them The Thunderbirds. Probably because they were really loud like thunder. They flew all together really close. One time, one flew right side up, and there was another one right on top of it, but upsidedown! And sometimes they looked like they were going to crash, but they never did. That would have been a really BIG boom!
The Air Show was a lot of fun. I got my picture taken in a Hummer, and as an astronaut, and in space. I got lots of stickers. Someone gave me a little wooden airplane that flies just like a real airplane. And my Nona told me that Papa used to go there all the time and fly in the little jets. I hope she didn't mean those really loud ones! He didn't fly the jets, though. Some other guy got to drive. Anyway, it was a lot a lot of fun, and I can't wait to go back next year!