So this happened over a month ago...
Tucker just turned three years old (can you believe he hasn't been three this whole time?), and we had a Cinco de Mayo themed "Three-esta" for him. It was SO much fun! My mother-in-law brought all sorts of decorations, games, and sombreros to get everyone in the mood. We also had mustaches to wear and some homemade sangria and margaritas to drink. It was very festive, and everyone had a really great time. The highlight (and the only part Tucker actually cared about) was the piñata. He saw a donkey piñata in a store several months ago and really wanted it. I told him he could have it for his birthday, and that was that. A whole Mexican and Diego themed party sprang up around this $10 piece of cardboard that the kids bashed to bits in just a few moments. It was awesome! :)




Daddy & Max

Even Great-Grandma got in on the action!