Bananas are super-simple to make, though. I don't know why anyone would spend money on banana puree. Seriously, if you happen to have a ripe banana, all you do is nuke it for 20 seconds to soften it up a little, put about a third of it in a bowl, and mash it with a fork. That's it. That's all. There is no more. Just feed the child the piece of ripe banana. It's cheap and easy. (That's what she said! Is that not appropriate for a child's blog?)

For anyone who cares, here is how to make mass quantities (about 3 cups) of banana puree. Contrary to popular belief, they can be frozen.
Mashed Nanas
5 ripe bananas
3 oz breastmilk (or formula!)
3 T lemon juice
1. Microwave bananas for 20 seconds to soften them up (optional).
2. Place bananas and breastmilk in blender and puree until smooth.
3. Add 1 T lemon juice per cup of puree (should be about 3 cups), and stir thoroughly.
4. Freeze in ice cube trays. The lemon juice should keep the bananas from getting too brown. They might get a little brown, but brown is ok to eat. When you defrost them, if they need to be a little thicker, add a little rice cereal.