Citizens of Cyberspace, Readers of Jack's blog-lend me your eyes! For that great harbinger of spring has finally arrived! March is a maddening month. Snows fall harder and wind blows colder than they do in the depths of January. And yet, change is coming. Whispers of the coming warmer winds waft through the wakening branches. Spring is so thick in the air that you can practically taste it. And what does spring taste like? It is fresh and minty, like greening grass. Like peppermint. Yes, you guessed it. The one and only glorious Girl Scout cookie is finally upon us!
I can hear you scoff and snicker behind your flat-paneled screens. Girl Scout cookies?!? I've even heard people go so far as to condemn them as evil! But do not take the sins of their sickeningly-sweet sellers (surely a ruse to sell more product) and their over-pushy mothers (who no doubt have the remnants of years gone by stuffed into the forgotten recesses of their pantries and deep freezers and fear adding more to their overflowing shelves) out on the cookie. The Girl Scout cookie is a confection wonderous to behold. Take the Thin Mint. Granted, no one who ever indulged in just one cookie stopped there, and "thin" is not necessarily a word to be applied to its most avid fans. But the Thin Mint is a cookie oft replicated, but never duplicated. Keebler's Grasshopper does not compare to the mighty Thin Mint. Edy's has gone so far as to construct an entire ice cream around it! There's just something about them that stands above the rest. It is, for one, thinner. And mintier, I might add. And consider for a second the case of the Samoa. Who can have one and not ask for "some mo-uh?" Or the Do-Si-Do? No peanut butter cookie not already paired with some form of chocolate (purely the domain of the Tagalong) could be considered to be finer! Girl Scout cookies are as much a part of American Culture as Crackerjacks and apple pie. But, like an apple pie baked fresh in the fall, there is only one true time to enjoy this most tasty treat. And that time, my friends, is now. So as you bustle into your grocery stores to buy your organic produce and free-range chickens, pay with your debit card and press "yes" (a thousand times "YES!") to cash back! Because the fresh, minty taste of spring lies just beyond those automatic sliding doors, but it costs $3.50/box and comes in 8 tantalizing flavors.
Happy 1st Birthday Ellery
9 years ago
Mike, Amy needs to get out of the house more often!!!
uhhhh, what?
Terry's right. I don't get out much these days...
Were you intoxicated when you wrote that?
P.S. You forgot the ever delightful, choco-dipped "Animal Cracker"
Has your mother been taken by some girl scount cookie cult? I am really worried about her. Although I must admit that Samoas must somehow be related to the Lays Company because no one can eat just one. Love ya.
Cousin Katrina
Also just an FYI... I was at the Auburn Mall the other day and happened to stop in the Gertrude Hawk Chocolate Store... they had dipped Oreos into their own homemade chocolate, delicious by anyway you measure it. I even told my parents that if I had been seriously injured in the car ride home, life would have still been ok because I had already eaten my chocolate covered oreo. I highly recommend them!
Amy, Our girl scout cookies come out in the fall I believe. They remind me of cool weather and fall leaves. Mom
Your mom speaks of this season that is coming as Spring. I know no such season here in the cold mountains that I reside in the snow dosen't finally melt until the middle of June. So I say enjoy it while you can because if you are like any of us lorenzetti boys and I speak of your granddad as well traveling and experiancing the world are apart of growing up. I dont write this to worry you that one day you will watch 6 months of winter happen before your little eyes. But that this land is vast and there are many diffent cool natural things that go on in this wonderful country. And if I know your mom and dad I am sure they are going to show you many of these things, but not all of them. One day very long down the road you will be sitting in a similar postion that I am, having the oppurtunity to see places you never thought you would see especially by yourself but remember you are never trully alone thats what makes is so fun you can go out and live life and always have a place to rest your bones when you need it or when you just want to be around it.
Uncle Joey
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