While he was not interested in napping at all, Jackson was an excellent eater. Not only did he eat his vegetables (still frozen, of course. Peas aren't quite as much fun when they aren't frozen.) but he also ate an entire half grilled cheese sandwich. We had had a small amount of luck with grilled cheese at the very beginning, but he quickly decided it wasn't worth his time. I've sort of been pushing them, though, because they are really easy for me to make. Today, instead of making a whole one and cutting it up into little bite-sized pieces, I saved myself the bread and just made half a sandwich. Then, going out on a limb since the kid has no concept of "one at a time" and frequently ends up with more in his mouth than he can swallow and has to spit it all out, I gave him the whole thing. I held it for him at first, but he quickly got the hang of it and started holding it on his own. He was even taking reasonable-sized bites. And the best part was, he finished the whole thing. I think it is the first time I let him feed himself where he got more than 1/3 of it in his belly. So that was exciting for us.
Also, (and Laura, you will be happy to hear this) brushing his teeth is one of his new favorite activities. We haven't been doing it for too long, but he really likes it. I don't know if the baby toothpaste just tastes a whole lot better than adult toothpaste or if it is something else about it that he likes, but he gets really excited when I bring him into the bathroom and he sees that cute, tiny little toothbrush come out. Hopefully, that sentiment lasts.
Also, we got our Smiles By Wire photos today. If you want the whole link, drop me a line and I'll forward you the info so that you can see every last adorable picture. Otherwise, here are just a few of my favorites. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Hey Jack,
You are going to be a heart breaker I can already tell. Those pictures are adorable, I like the one were your are tipping your hat especially. I cant wait to see you I am so excited.
You are such a cutie Jack! Your pictures are adorable! I hope that you are loving living in Niagara! I had fun playing with you this weekend. Love you!
Jack, I must say...it's been about two weeks since you last posted. I think it's about time you get some pictures up of you in your cute little lion costume. Some of us are not fortunate enough to see you every day, and we survive by checking your blog (perhaps too) religiously. Please post.
Auntie La
yes Jack I am agreeing with auntie la on this one, Even though I did see you little over a week ago I would love to know how your holloween went. I had a fun time, I was Jerry Garcia.
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