Thursday, December 11, 2008

Baby's First Fluffernutter

Fluff said.


Katrina said...

Wow Jack! Looks good. I love fluffernutter. Bring some to SF next time you visit. You are too cute.

Joey said...

Jack Buddy Fluffernutter Sandwiches are the best thing on earth. You look pretty sharp in that hoodie too. Keep trying new things, you dont want to be like your uncle lukey and only eat a few things. I can show you some great cuisine once your old enough.

Mia said...

Jackson, Ask your mama to make you a Fluffernutterella Pie. It's very similar to fluffernutters.... except better. I miss you, and I'll see you hopefully within the week!

Anonymous said...

You are now a true man. Fluffernutter is the best. Never be mean to it, just love it and enjoy eating it. At night when eerybodys sleeping sneek out and eat it all up.