Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Spooktacular

On Saturday, Mommy took me to the Niagara Power Project for their Halloween Spooktacular.
I wore my raincoat and rainboots as a costume and was a really cute bee. I had lots of fun there. I got to play with Lillian, Greydan, and Morgan. There were lots of fun games to play. I even won some! We played ring toss, and a bunch of games where I had to throw beanbags and stuffed animals at things. I'm really good at those games! And the best part was all the candy. I love candy! I got sweettarts and starbursts and a big lolly pop. I was having so much fun right up until the end. That's when Mommy ruined it. There was a haunted house, and I didn't really want to go in, but all my friends were and Mommy said it would be ok, so I believed her, but it wasn't. There were so many scary lights! They flashed on and off really fast, and it was really dark in there even with the scary lights. We got half way through, and I just couldn't take it anymore. I started screaming for Mommy to get me out, but we couldn't move very fast. She kept telling me it was ok and that it was just kids being silly, but I don't know what she was talking about. I didn't see any kids. Just scary lights. I hope we don't have to go in any more haunted houses for a while.

1 comment:

Mia said...

Jack, I don't like haunted houses either. Don't worry, you won't be missing anything if you never go in one again. I can't wait to see your Halloween costume!