Saturday, November 7, 2009

It's A Baby!

We had an ultrasound today, and it is definitely a baby. Singular. It has a heartbeat and all its parts, and we couldn't be happier! And to add to the excitement, the tech said my due date was actually closer to April 30 than May 7. I don't know if my midwife will change my due date, but at least I know to be prepared sooner rather than later. As long as I can avoid the April 20 trap, we'll be all set.


Mia said...

Baby, Baby! How long until you know if it's a boy or girl? So exciting!

Amy said...

Well, Jackson likes to point to these pictures and say "Monster Baby Brother" if that helps you any. ;)

Lara said...

If Jackson says it's a boy, he's probably right. Little kids always know those things.

Kelly said...

I agree with Lara!! little kids have a wierd sense of things like that. And I'm sooooooo excited I just LOVE babys!