Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Another Round of Ultrasound Photos

We had an ultrasound 8/26 to do a recheck on the kidneys.  Apparently, they were just at the upper edge of normal before, but they aren't even there anymore.  Just plain old regular normal.  Yipee!  But while she was at it, she turned on the 3D function of the ultrasound machine.  That was soo cool.  I hadn't had one done before.  They look a little funky because apparently they have to peel away layers to get to the baby, and then they have to be careful to not peel too much away.  There's also a cute photo of the baby holding its foot (not too many toys in there!).  They look better from farther away (smaller).  They have a little bit of a Monet effect going on.

Baby and Mommy are doing fine.  I'm almost as big around now as I was when I delivered Tucker.  I'm 50 inches around now, and was 51 inches then.  Try to not think about the fact that I'm bigger around than Jackson is tall.  I've still got 15 lbs to go before I get to the same weight, though, so that's good.  And it is looking like I'm going to get a little more than 2 weeks off for good behavior.  I'll let you know what the official due date is when it is officially changed.  If they don't change it, the baby is off the charts big (which, considering my track record, is conceivable, but we are talking about a 15-19 day difference.)  That would put me right around 30 weeks now.  Just 10 more to go!

On September 1, they officially changed my due date to 11/8.  If this baby is born on its due date, it and Tucker will be exactly 18 months apart!  

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