Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Our date with Daddy
Born Free and Breaking Free
Friday, April 25, 2008
On The Move!
I meant to do this right after it happened, but if you've ever been to my house, you might be able to understand why it didn't get done until almost 1:00 in the morning 5 days later. Finding the cord to hook the camera to the computer was the LEAST of my problems! We are, however, very excited! We are also much busier trying to keep up with him, and Jack is getting in much more QT with his Pack'n'Play. I had originally turned the camera on in an attempt to capture his cute little "leap frog" move before he really figured out how to crawl because I noticed that he was starting to get one of his knees moving in the process. I was afraid I would miss it if I didn't act quickly. Apparently, I didn't act quickly enough, because you can see from the video what happened when I turned on the camera.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Go Fly A Kite!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Prince's New Throne
Friday, April 18, 2008
Rock and Roll!
I've been trying to explain these earthquakes to Jack, but its a little harder than I thought it would be. It's a little too much science for an almost 7 month old. He was only awake for the aftershock, a 4.6 on the Richter Scale. That lasted for about 15 or 20 seconds or so. The earthquake itself, a 5.2 that originated about 90 miles south of here, he slept right through. That was interesting. I hadn't experienced one like that before, at least not one that I recall. It seemed to last minutes, but was probably only 30 or 40 seconds. I woke up with the thought that a pack of wild dogs was running back and forth through the house because it was so loud and there was a noticeable ripple moving back and forth through the walls. It occurred to me that it couldn't be a pack of wild dogs and was probably an earthquake. At that point, I woke Mike up, and then remembered that there was stuff that could fall on Jack while he was in his crib. So then I freaked out and knocked the water bottle over looking for my glasses (the only thing to fall in the entire incident), only to have Mike remind me that I should probably wait for it to stop before I got up myself. So then I had to wait what seemed like an eternity, but probably wasn't, before I could go and see that Jack was sleeping peacefully with no harm done. Grandma and Grandpa Barg, Aunt Kelley, and cousin Mads were here, too. They left this afternoon, and I think Aunt Kelley was very relieved to go. Everybody else seemed to think it was pretty cool, and since there were no injuries and no damage, I think it is pretty safe to call it an exciting adventure. :) Of all the natural disasters, an earthquake was the last thing I thought we would experience here.
Monday, April 14, 2008
No Place Like Home
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Planning His Escape
Also, I updated a few older posts tonight. "Weekend Update..." has been updated with a green bean recipe (I know, you're all thrilled!). "Greetings From Fargo" and "Omaha: Somewhere In Middle America" have new vacation photos added, and I added the photo of Jack loving his pears to "Pear Perfection." Stay tuned for a post on the conclusion of our trip, as well as for today's adventure into the world of Zucchini.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Pear Perfection
Mommy did lots of cooking today. She made fresh avocadoes, carrots, pears, and something called zucchini that I don't get to try until later in the week. She made me sit in my circus and watch her, and I was pretty bored. I can't see what she's doing from way down there! And don't even get me started on that loud, scary machine she uses to cut it all up. I tried to tell her I don't like it, but she kept turning it on anyway! In the end, though, I got to taste some very yummy pears. I don't like pear juice nearly as much as I like apple juice, but pear sauce is just as good as apple sauce!
Pear Puree
5 lbs pears (any variety)
6 oz thinning liquid
1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. Halve and core pears. Place cut-side-down in baking pan. Fill pan with about an inch of water.
3. Bake for about 45 minutes, or until tender.
4. Once tender, remove from oven and cool slightly.
5. Add to blender, adding some of the water the pears were cooked in to thin the puree out. Pears tend to be watery, so be careful of how much water you add. I pureed them in batches, so I always had more pears to add if I had too much water.
6. Freeze in ice cube trays. I got about 7 cups out of the 5lbs of pears.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Omaha: Somewhere in Middle America
Mommy says we're in a place called Omaha, Nebraska tonight. We have been very busy since we left Fargo. The day we left Fargo we visited a very big boat and a very cold church. They didn't look like anything special to me, but Mommy said they were interesting because the boat was just like one made 1000 years ago and actually sailed to Norway, and the church is just like a church in Norway that is 1000 years old. Neither church have any nails holding them together, but I still wasn't all that impressed. My favorite part of the day was when the nice man gave me a pinwheel. When we walked, it spun around and around and it is so pretty! Mommy even propped it up so that it I can watch it when we drive with the windows down.
After we left Fargo, we drove past a lot of very flat land and then very hilly land to get to a place called Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The best part about that was that Mommy actually let me crawl around on the floor in the hotel instead of making me stay on the bed or a blanket. Daddy tried to, but Mommy said it looked clean enough that I was probably ok. I also got to sleep in my own room, which was good because I didn't keep getting woken up by Daddy's snoring!
This morning, Mommy and Daddy took me to see a big waterfall. I guess it isn't as big as the waterfall I'm going to live near, but it looked pretty big to me! My favorite part of the day was when we went to see an old boat called the Sargeant Floyd. That was not in Sioux Falls, but in a place called Sioux City, Iowa. It was a boat, but it was a museum. There were lots of old things to look at, and you could ring the bell and steer the boat. That was so much fun! I laughed and laughed the whole time we were in there. I'm not telling why, though!
Now we're in Omaha. Mommy and Daddy took me out to dinner, but all Daddy would share with me was his water. I wanted some of their steak! Mommy says we might go to a place called the Zoo tomorrow. She says there are lots of animals there and it will be like the aquarium but without any water. I liked the aquarium, so it might not be so bad. I'll let you know how that goes. Mommy wanted me to tell you all that she has now officially been to 49 states. The only place she hasn't been is a place called Hawaii. I'm not really sure what all that means, but she is pretty excited about it. There's no pictures yet because the stuff Mommy needs for that got left in Milwaukee, but she says she'll add them in when we get home. Bye for now!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Greetings from Fargo!
Sorry it has been a few days. This is our first quiet night. You might be thinking that's because we're in Fargo, ND and there's just nothing to do here, but it is actually because Daddy decided to eat half a cow for dinner and needs to just sit around and digest. :) Luckily, we ate dessert first, so there was no issue with us not getting our homemade ice cream. Jack was definitely a fan! We're having a great time out on the open road. But let's start at the beginning...
Saturday, we took Jack on his very first campus visit. We went to Notre Dame and saw "Touchdown Jesus" and the rest of the University. It was a very nice campus! It was a little cold, but a very sunny day. After that, we drove to Chicago for a visit my my friend Ann. She and I went to Italy together, and I hadn't seen her in years.
Jack is right. The aquarium was very cool. We went with some more of my college friends, Matt and Laura, and then afterwards we went to Michigan Ave to go to the Ghirardelli store. That was also fun. A very sweet afternoon all things considered! And then, to top it all off, we headed off to Milwaukee to see yet another college friend - Kadie and her new husband, Steve - for the night! That would have been a perfect visit except for the part where Mike decided he was done loading the car before he was actually done loading the car and left my main diaper bag and camcorder case with all my camera stuff in it at Kadie's. That's why, after this post, you won't see any more pictures until we get home!