Friday, April 18, 2008

Rock and Roll!

Two earthquakes came to my house today! Well, Mommy says it was technically one earthquake and one aftershock. My cousin Madelyn said they felt the same to her. I slept through the first one, but she says it was pretty big. It was so big it shook the whole house and woke everybody up but me! Madelyn said the thought maybe it wanted to play, but it couldn't get in because the doors were locked, so it shook the whole house instead. That could be, I don't really know. But then why didn't it come in the second time? Mommy was up and everybody was in the kitchen. It would have been fun to play!

I've been trying to explain these earthquakes to Jack, but its a little harder than I thought it would be. It's a little too much science for an almost 7 month old. He was only awake for the aftershock, a 4.6 on the Richter Scale. That lasted for about 15 or 20 seconds or so. The earthquake itself, a 5.2 that originated about 90 miles south of here, he slept right through. That was interesting. I hadn't experienced one like that before, at least not one that I recall. It seemed to last minutes, but was probably only 30 or 40 seconds. I woke up with the thought that a pack of wild dogs was running back and forth through the house because it was so loud and there was a noticeable ripple moving back and forth through the walls. It occurred to me that it couldn't be a pack of wild dogs and was probably an earthquake. At that point, I woke Mike up, and then remembered that there was stuff that could fall on Jack while he was in his crib. So then I freaked out and knocked the water bottle over looking for my glasses (the only thing to fall in the entire incident), only to have Mike remind me that I should probably wait for it to stop before I got up myself. So then I had to wait what seemed like an eternity, but probably wasn't, before I could go and see that Jack was sleeping peacefully with no harm done. Grandma and Grandpa Barg, Aunt Kelley, and cousin Mads were here, too. They left this afternoon, and I think Aunt Kelley was very relieved to go. Everybody else seemed to think it was pretty cool, and since there were no injuries and no damage, I think it is pretty safe to call it an exciting adventure. :) Of all the natural disasters, an earthquake was the last thing I thought we would experience here.


Nona said...

Must be Auntie La isn't up yet! Nona gets to be the first commenter! Wow, jack, your first natural disaster! good thing it wasn't a bad one. It sounds like you are a pretty good sleeper if you can sleep through an earth quake! We don't usually have them here in Seneca Falls. Although there was a small one a few years ago that felt like someone was jumping in the attic. Did Mads teach you how to crawl this week? I bet she had lots to tell you about what you should be doing in the next couple of months! Love you XXX

Anonymous said...

Wow buddy I dont think I have ever been in an earthquake. your only 7 months old and you already got one up on me. You are definately a lorenzetti if you can sleep through something like that little man. Well Jack I hope your mom posts another one soon its nice to be able to see what your up to especially since I never get to see you.

Uncle Joey

Lara said...


I cannot believe that you had an earthquake in INDIANA!! Uncle Joey called me today and told me about it. I had spent the night at a friend's house and didn't check my computer first thing in the morning like I usually do. I thought Uncle Joey was kidding!! I must say though, that Jackson, you ARE a true Lorenzetti if you can sleep through a quake!! That's so impressive!! I hope you had lots of fun playing with Cousin Mads and your Big Happy Barg Family this past weekend. Don't be too jealous, but I get to play with your friend Andrew for a little bit on Monday. I'm so excited!! We'll have to give you a call.

Love You!!