Saturday dawned sunny and too warm for Jackson to wear a coat in Daddy's opinion and not warm enough for him to not have a coat AND blanket in Mommy's opinion. As you can see, Mommy won. And good thing, too! It was very chilly in the shade, and also pretty breezy. As promised, we took Jackson to the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha. I think he had a good time. He
seemed to like the polar bear and the gorillas. After leaving the zoo, we drove into Iowa and stayed near Iowa City.

On Sunday, it was time to make our way home. Our last stop was the Herbert Hoover National Historic Site in West Branch, Iowa. Why? Just because we were passing right by it. You see and learn about a lot of cool things when you stop at the random places along your way. I think that's what was meant by "stopping to smell the
roses." ANYWAY, I had no idea good old Bert was such a humanitarian and all around nice guy. The presidential museum made it sound like his good name had been restored by the time he died, but my history classes only remembered him for starting the depression and left him with the legacy of thousands of "Hoovervilles." The site had a nice museum and library. He and his wife were buried there, in view of his birth cottage. There were actually quite a few preserved buildings to tour. He had a highchair that looks just like the one my Poppy Kaylor used to have at his house. I think Jack's favorite was the school house. He seemed awfully excited to be there. We're hoping that translates to kindergarten and beyond.

Once we had soaked up just about all we could absorb, we began the long journey home. It was fairly uneventful, and we arrived safe, sound, and a little wiser. This trip had taught me a few things. 1) Herbert Hoover was a Quaker. 2) Travelling with a baby is about travelling on THEIR schedule, not yours. 3) Never EVER go anywhere without a supply of Cheerios and a bottle of juice. We learned that one on the first day when we were running late and didn't have time to pull over and feed Jack when he was hungry. Instead, we pumped him full of Cheerios, but I didn't have a bottle handy so he learned real quick how to drink water from a straw. Poor kid!
1 comment:
It sure sounds like you guys had a great vacation! Congrats Amy on getting to 49 states. As yo know, I'll be happy to watch Jack when you go to Hawaii 50! Yes, traveling with a baby is a challenge but when you go with their flow and just accept that your plans have to be somewhat fluid, it's a lot of fun. Amy, remember when you got the chicken pox on our trip to Italy? We worked it out and still had a good time!
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