Friday, April 9, 2010

Mommy-training update

I'm not sure what made me think yesterday was a good day for "Mommy-training" (because, really, isn't that what potty-training actually is?) considering we are going to be in SF all weekend, but I think everyone should know that Jackson wore big boy underpants ALL day yesterday and we only had 1 accident. Considering we usually only get him to sit on the potty once a week, several successes in 1 day is pretty huge for the little man. I just had to brag. We're far from there, but we are definitely on our way! And here is a completely unrelated but still adorable photo.


Da Smifs said...

SF as in the SF where we live?!

Amy said...

I wish! SF as in the place where we used to live, and as opposed to NF, which is where we live now. Your SF would probably be a lot more fun, though.