I know it has been a long, long time and you are probably more interested in pictures of little Tuck, but we are en route to Indiana and all I have for you is this really cute picture of Jack courtesy of Nona. He was really enjoying his cheeseburger! Tucker is doing really well, though. The urologist seems to think his hydronephrosis is a non-issue. We will have to follow up in 6 months, but he suspects everything will be fine. He does not have reflux, so that is good. He's just a happy 14lb 6 week old who sleeps really well and is no worse for having such a loving big brother. This morning we were all having breakfast when Daddy went to check on Tuck, who was sleeping in our bed. He was awake but quiet, so we left him there. A few minutes later, Jackson came out carrying Tucker. I screamed bloody murder, which scared Jack, but he was actually doing a really good job. He was carrying him way up high, horizontally, using both arms, and Tucker seemed perfectly fine with it. He was just trying to be helpful because he loves his baby brother, and it is kinda funny now since Tuck wasn't hurt at all. I'm just curious about how he got him off our bed. That's pretty high!
That cheeseburger looks hysterically funny in the hands of little jack. Miss you boys!
The first time I caught Ruffie holding Rosie, he dropped her as fast as he could and ran away... :)
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