Monday, August 23, 2010

Lots of Vacation II

Our next trip was to the Jersey Shore. This was for the 6th Annual Married to Math Jamboree. It is basically just us hanging out with our 4 friends from DC (+ kids!). It used to be a camping trip, but this year it graduated to a beach vacation in our friend Kerry's cousin's beach house 1/2 block from the beach in Surf City, NJ on Long Beach Island. Generally, I don't go into the ocean much north of Virginia Beach, but having just come from the Cape, the water wasn't too bad. I actually went in once or twice. We all had such a blast! Mike missed the camping part, but I think some of us were definitely wondering why we didn't graduate, oh, 5 years ago. The location may have changed, but the activities really didn't. We basically hung out, drank, and ate a ton a food. One evening, we consumed almost $300 worth of seafood in one sitting! It may have been too much, but it was sooooo good. The King Crab legs were amazing! The three Mathematicians did get to go on coffee field trips this year, though. I think it is pretty funny that, out of 3 couples, it is only the Mathematicians that drink coffee. (Although, Mathematicians are the machines that turn coffee into theorems!) And on 2 of the mornings the daddies took the boys to watch the boats go out. I think Jack really enjoyed that. The mommies really enjoyed it, too. We don't get to see our DC friends nearly as often as we would like, so this is one of our favorite parts of the summer.

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