The first day was the Camp Triathalon (swimming, hiking, boating). And being International S'more Day, we also had a S'more Making Contest. Even though it had been Fajita night, which Aunt Jill pulled off like a pro even without Tia, I volunteered myself to be the S'more Judge. Next year, I think I'll have a panel of judges, but everyone was just getting into the team spirit, and I felt bad asking people to be impartial judges. I ended up awarding first place to The Cheatin' Scum for their inspired banana usage. One Big Team's peanut butter cup/caramel creation was a VERY close second, but that S'more Sub was just fantastic. I also kinda wished the dark chocolate/strawberry/oatmeal cookie creation hadn't crumbled so badly. That was tasty, too. But, you can't have a crumbly S'more while you're sitting around the fire.
The next day was the Trek up Burnt Mountain. I was glad I didn't go. I've been up there once, and I'm good. But Zach really wanted it to be a part of the AR, and since it was his idea, I felt I should honor it. (But now that it has been honored, I'm going to replace it with a Beach Day instead!)
The third day's event was the 'Round The Lake Beer/Pop Relay. The Cheatin' Scum won again. It came down to the chug, and Morgan out-chugged Cole like a champ. The logistics of that probably could have been worked out a little better, but it went off better than I expected.
The last day of The Race, people finished up their scavenger hunt lists and their various other challenges. We had the Euchre Tournament, which Aunt Patti is a 2 time champion of. In the end, The Cheatin' Scum emerged victorious by 1.5 points over The Elderlies, with One Big Team coming in third, and Team Hmmm.. bringing up the rear.
Outside of the Amazing Race, I had a lot of fun. We canoed over to the sandy point beach on the other side of the lake to hang out one afternoon. That is one of my favorite places to hang out. We saw lots of shooting stars. The Perseids are the whole reason we always go up that week, and while last year was slightly better, they did not disappoint this year. Jack was finally old enough to go places and do things, so it was fun to watch him want to go out in the 'noe and go fishing and hiking. He and Emma may have had the most fun of anyone, aside from their bouts of Beaver Fever!
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