Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Purple Potty

My Mommy is so silly.  A long time ago, before Christmas, I was downstairs and I saw a really awesome purple potty seat in the basement.  It is so cool!  It is purple and green and has a froggy on the back.  I love purple, so I brought it upstairs and now that is the only potty seat I like to use.  I call it my Purple Potty.  We are going away, and Mommy was cleaning my Purple Potty to pack it.  She said, "Look, Tucker!  I have your Turtle Potty so you can go poopy on the potty!"  I finally had to break it to her that that animal isn't a turtle.  It doesn't look anything like a turtle!  I told her, "Mommy, that no a turtle.  My Purple Potty is a froggy."  She made me repeat myself because I guess she just couldn't believe that she thought it was a turtle all this time.  I mean, she can't have thought I was calling it a turtle all this time, right?!  Clearly, its a frog!


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