Tucker is 10 weeks old today! I can hardly believe it. Time just flies when you are having fun. He is such a cute and sweet boy. And he is so strong! He's a
scootcher, and already he is able to maneuver himself into a better TV-viewing position since we don't typically think to position him on the floor at an optimal viewing angle for watching Deadliest Catch. And I thought this was a good opportunity to revisit another 10 week picture. How do you think Tucker compares to Jack? They definitely don't look identical, but I think you can tell they are brothers.

In honor of the event, we took the boys down to another Anniversary Party. Today was the 125
th Anniversary of the dedication of Niagara Falls State Park, the country's oldest state park. They had a lot of stuff going on down by The Falls, including food and rides and a free outdoor concert. The Hard Rock Cafe has been putting on a free summer concert series, and tonight featured the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra playing the music of Pink Floyd. We were intrigued, so we packed up the boys and headed out.

Music was supposed to start at 6:30, but in true rock and roll fashion, nothing started until after 7, and the
BPO didn't take the stage until after 9. We had some time to kill, so Jackson rode a few rides, we got a bite to eat, and we hung out on a patch of grass. The
BPO's second set consisted of the entirety of Dark Side Of The Moon, and we were really enjoying it until Jack decided enough was enough and it was time to go. I can hardly blame him. It was after 10:30 and he had been sleeping on his Daddy's shoulder for quite some time. I love my husband, but he doesn't have nearly enough padding to be even remotely considered as a viable alternative to a pillow. So, we left just after Us and Them. So

close, yet so far. It was a lot of fun, though. We may be stuck in Niagara Falls, but with a free concert almost every single night of the week all summer long, at least we have something to do.